My first time eating Poutine!

So I’ve been visiting a friend in Canada and we went to Costco the other day.  She said we have to get some Poutine.  I of course asked “what is that”?  She showed me the picture and explained that it’s fries, gravy, with some cheese curds.  “Ummmmmm yeah no thanks” I said.  So she ordered it and I ordered my chicken, pecan, apple salad.  We grabbed our food and sat down at the table.  Everyone started digging in to the Poutine.  So I decided to try it.  I then started pushing the kids away to get more bites!  It is extremely yummy!  I don’t suggest it as a daily dish but it is such a treat to eat every once in a while.

So does that look appetizing to you?  Yeah that’s what I thought.  But it is quite yummy.  But basically all it is are fries with cheese curds on top, and then brown gravy ladled over all of it.  Costco seasoned their fries which made them extra delicious but you don’t have to.   If you want to make this at home and can’t find cheese curds in your local stores, you can just crumble mozzarella over it, or feta might even be tasty.  I’m sure that’s making the recipe less authentic but oh well.

 I couldn’t believe how excited everyone gets here for Poutine, pronounced put’in, but I’m already telling my friend we forgot a few things at Costco and we better go back tomorrow for them or my meals won’t be as good…hee hee.  I’m sure she’s on to me!


  1. My canadian friend talks about Poutine all the time! She is pregnant now and says it is by far the food she misses most from canada. A little off the beaten path from your normal blog food choices. I like it!
