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Saveury Chicken Vesuvio

I just love this Savory Chicken Vesuvius dish.  It’s easy to do and has a ton of flavor.  I don’t always have a nice dry white wine in my fridge, usually because I drink it all and never have any leftover for cooking…hmm that does explain a lot, but when that […]

Bacon’y Brussel Sprouts

Bacon and Brussel Sprouts…like peanut butter and jelly. “Everyday I’m brusselin’ “!  Why is it every time I cook brussel sprouts I just have to sing that tune?  Haha thanks LMFAO for such a catchy tune…although they said “shuffling”…whatever happened to those two anyway?  But here in Seattle we also […]

Frothy, rich, creamy cup of java

A miraculous morning coffee additive In moderation, organic coffee can provide phytonutrients, powerful antioxidants, to make it a healthy and beneficial drink to add to your diet.  The scary thing is how much crap is added to coffee drinks to turn it into one of the most unhealthy drinks on […]

Girl drinking water

Drink more water. You’re not sick…you’re thirsty!

Drink your water All the commercials during the evening programs are for pharmaceutical drugs.  They get it into your head that your aches and pains and depressions can be fixed by their pills!  Never would they suggest a natural way as in drinking more water to make you feel better. […]

Almond Milk

Vanilla Cardamom Coffee Creamer

Super delicious and nutritious coffee creamer! This Vanilla Cardamom Almond Coffee Creamer is so creamy, delicious, and nutritious that you’ll want to break up with your store bought coffee creamer right away.  Don’t even give it the old ‘its not you it’s me’ crap either.  They’re going to know it […]

Nourishing Bone Stock

Stock made with bones is extremely nourishing and very easy to make.  I drink it straight from my mason jar which I store my stock in so it’s easy to take out of the fridge and drink up!  I didn’t realize I hadn’t blogged about this before and get asked about […]