Quick and easy healthy breakfast! Today, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack kicked off an exciting National Nutrition Month by marking the start of National School Breakfast Week (March 4-8), a time that highlights the importance of promoting healthy choices for our nation’s children throughout the school day. Refrigerator Oatmeal is the perfect […]
Mushrooms have an impressive array of antioxidant minerals!
Why mushrooms need to be a part of your daily/weekly diet: High in Selenium: Selenium helps with DNA repair, which with adequate intake of this mineral will help with a reduced risk for cancer. High in Riboflavin (B2): Riboflavin is necessary for the recycling of glutathione, an antioxidant that protects […]
Bone up on your Calcium…for many reasons actually…
Not only does Calcium help keep our bones strong, but there are many reasons to keep adequate Calcium levels up including for weight loss. Calcium helps play a role in the prevention/treatment of the following conditions: Osteoporosis Kidney Stones Premenstrual syndrome Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome IBS – Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome Colon […]
Bok Choy me baby!
Don’t be passin’ by that bok choy and not putting any into your cart or basket. Just 1 cup of this cabbage is going to nourish you with: 53% of your daily value for Vitamin C 11% of your daily value for Folate 42% of your daily value for Vitamin […]
Chicken Nuggets
While I was going over a menu for a client I was telling her about this recipe and talking about sugar not being in the recipe. She looked confused and said, “But Julie, chicken nuggets don’t usually contain sugar so what do you mean by that?” So I went into […]
My first time eating Poutine!
So I’ve been visiting a friend in Canada and we went to Costco the other day. She said we have to get some Poutine. I of course asked “what is that”? She showed me the picture and explained that it’s fries, gravy, with some cheese curds. “Ummmmmm yeah no thanks” […]
Quinoa burritos
Quinoa…oh how I love thee. It nourishes me with protein and all the amino acids to make it a complete protein! You can eat it hot, warm, or cold. You can eat it alone, with veggies, or with fruit. You can eat it in a salad, or burritos, or make […]
Smoky White Bean Chicken Chili w/Fire Roasted Tomatoes
I promise you will love this chicken chili! The shredded chicken is sautéed in the smoky spices while the white cannelloni beans add a nice creamy texture! Then throw in the fire roasted tomatoes and you have quite the chili. The whole family will love it. You can freeze left-overs […]